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An ‘Ace in the Hole’: First Annual Golf Fundraiser
An event planned to a tee – literally.
Bronx Community Guardianship Network, Inc.’s First Annual Golf Outing on September 5 at the Pelham Bay & Split Rock Golf Club brought together golfers and friends in support of BCGN, Inc.’s commitment to serving the most vulnerable populations.
“We started with meetings to source who could help,” recalls Christina Hennessy, who, with Cait O’Dwyer, co-chaired the event. “We took a liberal approach with ideas in those first meetings earlier this year, moving to decision making as summer began.”
Both Christina and Cait are part of BCGN, Inc.’s volunteer “family” – and both have a family connection to President Patricia (Pat) Hennessy as well: Christina is married to Pat’s son David; Cait is Pat’s daughter. Cait also helps with tasks at BCGN, Inc.’s City Island, New York, office.
Completing the Planning Committee were Christine Doyle, Christopher Hennessy, Richie O’Dwyer, and BCGN, Inc. case worker Joseph (Joe) Gunn. Day of helpers included Erin Hennessy and Dave Hennessy. “Patty wanted the golf outing to be self-run by the Committee,” explained Christina. “But you can’t take Patty out of it. When you have a powerful force like that, you have to follow someone that passionate.” Says Cait: “She has a mission for helping.”
The Committee was able to secure two large sponsors – Apple Bank and UBS – which was critical to fund the event itself. “I don’t mind asking for money,” Christina says. “I take a direct approach.” She credits Cait’s husband Richie O’Dwyer with a lot of the followup in fundraising and other areas.
“We received a lot of support from the local community as well,” adds Cait, including from the City Island Diner and The Snug.
Other sponsors included Morgan Stanley, Masterpiece, River Spring Living, MGF, the American Legion, and Schuyler Hill Funeral Home. Supporting sponsors were: John and Andrea D’Allessandro, Suzanne and Tony Mahler, Dr. Peter and Mrs. Elsie Masella, Alex Rovt, PhD (in honor of Victor Ayala, PhD), and Meltzer Accounting & Tax Services.
This was not the duo’s first foray into fundraising. Both helped with planning BCGN’s inaugural charity fundraiser, a “friendraiser” held at the Harlem Yacht Club on City Island in December 2023.
Observing that it “all came together” on the day of, both smiled recalling what they called the “audible sigh of relief” in sending golfers off to their designated hole on that day. “On the morning of that day, we hit the ground running, getting things where they were supposed to be – from golfer hole assignments right down to the flowers on table,” Cait explained. And Christina said, “So yes, it was a very happy sigh in sending off the golfers, knowing that the event was underway.”
And it was a sigh of celebration too, knowing that the golf outing was supporting BCGN, Inc.’s important work. “The work BCGN does is so vital and can be difficult,” Cait says, Notes Christina, “They take a holistic approach to the people they care for.”
BCGN, Inc.’s clients were part of the September Golf Outing, their stories – respecting their privacy, of course – were sprinkled throughout the event space.
Looking to 2025, Cait and Christina are already lining up a date – likely mid-September – for the 2nd Annual Golf Outing. There is a BCGN, Inc. staffer already engaged, and some sponsors lined up. From lessons learned this year, the outing will include expanded opportunities to attend the dinner part of the event, as well as to participate in supporting the day outside of attending. Both want the work of BCGN, Inc. in focus – even on the golf course – perhaps featuring around the golf course more information about the organization. “It’s work that all on the team are able to do with such grace,” Cait says.